Macy was due to arrive on April 25th, but showed no signs of wanting to come. I was walking 2 miles a day and doing everything on the list of "how to induce yourself", and she still didn't want to come. I scheduled an induction with the doctor for May 2nd, exactly 1 week after her due date. It's a hospital and/or insurance rule that you can't be induced before 41 weeks here in Utah.
We went into the hospital at 9 pm on May 1st to get things started. They gave me citotec pills which made me start contracting. In the morning they gave me pitocin. I wasn't dilated enough to get my water broken until 3 pm, May 2nd. Then they were able to give me the epidural. It took until 8 am the following day for me to be dilated enough to push. I did that for 3 hours before the doctor could tell she wasn't going to fit. I cried and cried when he told me I would have to get a c-section. I've wanted to avoid a c-section because we may want to have several children, and I've heard it's only safe to have so many c-sections. Anyway, they wheeled me into surgery, and before I knew it, she was out! There was a sheet up so I couldn't see anything that was going on during the c-section, but I could feel lots of pressure and tugging, and then immediate relief when the baby was pulled out. All the doctors were saying WHOA! I had no idea what they were saying WHOA about, until one of them said "9 lbs. 15 oz."! No wonder she wouldn't fit! She was born at 12:07 pm on Thursday, May 3rd.
Macy will be one week old tomorrow, and she's our little sweetheart. She likes to be a little fussy and fidgety during the night, and sleep all day. We were in the hospital until Sunday, and I couldn't wait to get out of there. It seems they have to come in every half hour to check your vitals or the baby's vitals, or wake you up just to see if you need anything. They pumped me full of water from the iv's, and I weighed 3 lbs. more when I got home from the hospital than I did before I went into the hospital! I lost 20 lbs. in the first 3 days of being home just due to the water weight. I'm not a fan of all the water they have to pump into you. Anyway, being at home has been much better. We've been staying at my parents house for the past three days and they have made it possible for me to get some sleep and sympathy :) Grandpa takes a shift at night, and grandma takes lots of shifts. So I've been able to get a little bit of rest. What I didn't anticipate was how hard it would be to sleep even when my mom is taking care of her. I get anxiety thinking about when I need to feed her next, and it makes it hard to sleep. But I'm doing okay, just emotional break downs here and there. My mom has been waiting on me hand and foot and it's made things much easier. Trevor is working this week, but he's taking off next week so he can help out when we're at our own house.
We're loving our sweet little girl, and know that there are lots of fun times ahead (and hopefully a little more sleep). Thanks grandma for all your help this week! We couldn't have done it without you!